Bored Ape NFT

Brand, Businesses & NFTs

Blockchain, NFTs and smart contracts are no longer alien terms to our existence. The use of smart contracts to keep third party involvement away and to keep every possible transaction transparent and in the light is now possible.

Still wondering what is it and how to get started? Let me help here. 

It all starts with this weird and wonderful understanding of the web 3 world, cryptocurrencies and blockchain that were thought to be a fad but sorry to say, these things are here to stay. 


Now what exactly is blockchain, smart contract and NFTs. Let's go one by one. 


Lastly Non Fungible Token, a token that holds the value of an asset being real and rare. Before going further, let's try to understand, what fungibility is and what non fungibility is. Something that is fungible is 



I hope things make sense and you'll soon be investing into smart contracts, blockchain and buying into my NFTs.

Yours Truly 

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