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BeReal. What it is and how it works

If I ask you to show me what you're doing now, right at this moment, would you show me? That is the main idea of this new social media.

"Your Friends for Real.

Every day at a different time, everyone is notified simultaneously to capture and share a Photo in 2 Minutes. A new and unique way to discover who your friends really are in their daily life."


BeReal is a social network that promotes authenticity and encourages users to share a part of their life in real time.

This app, which became a trend in recent months, sends you a notification to let you know that the time has come to share what you are doing at that precise moment.

BeReal allows you to post only one photo a day. This image will be made up of two photographs: the one that will be taken by the front camera and the other that will be taken by the rear camera of your mobile.

Through this format, the aim is to have a positive impact on "Generation Z", sharing what is real and everyday through this network. It is expected that with this new mechanism, a transparent and genuine connection will be created with all the followers that would be on the social network.

How was BeReal born?

The French app was launched in early 2020 and was developed by Alexis Barreyat and Kevin Perreau. It was born with the aim of giving publications a more real approach, trying to get users to upload photos without any type of filter or editing.

Even though BeReal has been around since 2020, it wasn't until this year that it became successful. In August 2022, BeReal already had 10 million active users. And in April 2021, they still did not reach 3 million. It began as a trend in Europe and the United States, although it has also become very popular among users in Latin America.


  • Promote authenticity, invite users to be real with posts. By not allowing editing or filters, by sending the notification randomly, a space of transparency is provided.
  • Protect mental health by not idealizing certain “life or beauty standards” through filters, edits, or overworked posts.
  • It allows the community to build a more genuine bond by feeling identified with the daily life posts of some contacts.


  • It only allows one publication a day, that is, every 24 hours.
  • It can only be published when the notification arrives on the device.
  • A photo must be pre-published before you can see the content shared by other users.
  • Precautions must be taken when the notification arrives, it must be uploaded in real time but safeguarding security and thinking about any possible consequences.


And what about BeReal regarding marketing?

A business can have several niches and these niches can be distributed in different social networks, it is likely that a brand has an active community in BeReal that it can take advantage of. Now there are very few brands that are using the social network as an extra to their marketing strategies, since its functions are very limited: "real-time photography that lasts 24 hours".

However, we do not know what can happen in the future with BeReal, perhaps it will present an idea that allows brands or businesses to also take advantage of that authenticity or transparency to create more genuine connections with consumers.

Here the important thing is to be alert, align with trends and know how to adapt to the new in order to highlight that business or brand in the digital ecosystem.

I would like to know your opinion, have you used BeReal? What do you think of the app? I'll be reading you in comments.

Learn more about BeReal.

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