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Target Persona - Lululemon

Lululemon is a canadian multinational athletic apparel retailer originally from British Columbia. The company was founded in 1998 as a retailer of yoga wear and over the years has expanded to also sell athletic wear, lifestyle apparel, accessories, mirrors, shoes, among other products.

Currently, Lululemon has 600 stores spread across 17 countries and has more than 29.000 employees.

The company also sells online through its e-commerce:

Lululemon Purpose: elevate human potential by helping people feel their best.

Lululemon Vision: create transformative products and experiences that build meaningful connections, unlocking greater possibility and wellbeing for all.    

Target Persona: Kate Campbel

Kate is a young executive, married, mother of two kids and who has a very busy life. In her spare time, she likes to go to the gym or run in the parks near her home. As she doesn't have much time, she likes to shop at Lululemon because she can find a wide variety of exercise clothes, with excellent durability.

Personal Information:

Age: 38 Years old

Gender: Female

Marital Status: Married

Location: Kingston

Occupation: Sales Manager

Income: $ 100.000/year

Leisure Activities: Reading, travel, work out at the gym, run in parks

Education: MBA



Maintain a healthy lifestyle and don't waste a lot of time buying clothes so she can spend more time with her family


  • High quality and stylish athletic wear
  • Ability to find what she needs quickly and online
  • Have access to the latest trends when it comes to athletic apparel

Pain Points:

  • Staying in shape
  • Finding time for herself
  • Busy and stressful routine

Social Media Activity:

Instagram (70%) and Linkedin (30%)


  • What athletic apparel does her friends wear
  • What clothes does her gym instructors wear
  • What brands are recommended by digital influencers related to the topic of physical exercise
  • Which brands have good quality
  • Which brands follow fashion trends



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