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Event Proposal - Clevr



In our briefing meeting with Mihaela, she highlighted the importance of the relationship in maintaining the current customer base and in winning new potential clients.

With that in mind, our proposal is to take advantage of the industry's main conference Education Research and Development and Innovation (ERDI) taking place in Banff to organize a small event aimed at a highly select audience of current and potential Clevr customers. The event will take place in the fall of 2023, during the month of October.

We are going to invite 20 people to visit the Banff Gondolas and enjoy the magnificent view provided by the ride. The idea is to invite 10 current customers and 10 potential customers to participate in the event. As these people will already be in Banff, we will not have expenses with air tickets or accommodation.

 We will rent a bus that will leave the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel (Conference venue) with the 20 clients, as well as 5 Clevr representatives (CEO, marketing and sales teams). The idea is to leave the Conference at 5pm, take the gondola and enjoy sweeping views across Banff National Park at the summit of Sulphur Mountain. At 7pm we will offer dinner to guests at the Sky Bistrô restaurant, which is located at the top of the mountain. Dinner will last for 2 hours and we will return guests to the hotel at 9pm.

 Before dinner, we will have a short thank you message from the CEO to the guests present.

During the event, the idea is to be able to have moments of relaxation with customers and prospects to help build a closer relationship with them. The focus is not on talking about work or about Clevr.

 About food, we will serve snacks in the happy hour and 3 different options for dinner, as some people have restrictions on some types of food. The idea is to have some kind of meat, pasta and a vegan option. About drinks, we will serve alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Decoration: The idea is to keep the beautiful decoration of the restaurant, using some banners and blue and white meshes, colors of Clevr.

In addition to building stronger customer relationships, the event will serve to further strengthen the Clevr brand.



Event Name

 Banff Gondola Ride

Date and Time

 October 15th, from 5pm to 9pm


 Tour with dinner, no specific theme

Expected Number of Attendees

 20 Customers

Key Message

Strengthen relationships with customers and prospects


 Target Audience

 We are going to invite 20 Clevr customers and prospects.

 Overview of the Target Audience:

 Clevr provides solutions for the k-12 School Districts. These are the organizations that buy the company's products.

Within these School Districts, the people who decide or influence the process of purchasing Clevr solutions are the CEO and the Heads of Student Services, Human Resources and Information Technology. In addition, managers in these areas also influence the purchase decision.

We can describe this target market as male and female, over 50 years, from the upper middle class. Geographically, they live in Canada and the United States (mainly in the northern states of the country). But for this event, the target audience is the professionals that work in Canada, because this is the focus of the Conference.

Making a psychographic analysis of Clevr's target market, we can define it as more reserved people, who listen more than they speak, like to stay at home with their family, in addition to receiving close friends in their homes. They like to read books, go to museums, have interest in education, knowledge, culture, and technological innovations. They are lifelong learners with communications skills, leadership qualities, patience, and empathetic to others.

They think that education is very important in people's lives and they agree that they would pay any price to guarantee the best possible knowledge for their children.

They are people who have a lot of professional experience, they have had a whole career working in the education sector.

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